Victorian Solar Energy Council. "Potential for Energy Crops in Victoria" (Melbourne 1982).
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) "Consultation on Plant Research in Agroforestry" (Kenya 1983).
International Centre for Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) "Consultation on Agriculture in Dry Areas" (Spain 1987).
Australian Wheat Board . "A Forecasting System for Yield of the Australian Wheat Crop" (Melbourne 1995).
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). "Consultation on Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems (Bangladesh 1995).
ACIAR. Leader of Major Project " Improved Management of Water and Nutrients for Sustainable Rice-Wheat Production Systems" (Bangladesh & Australia 1995-2002).
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. "Water Requirement for Vegetable Growers in the Keilor Region" (Melbourne 1997).
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Chairman of Review Team "Rainfed Lowland Rice Program" (Manila, Philippines 1998).
IRRI. Member of Working Group on Research Priorities, (Manila May 9-11, 2000).
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations. Review of "Rice-Wheat Research Opportunities", (Rome, August 23-25, 2000).
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Consultant on "Good Farming Practice. Developing an internal project" (Rome January-May then September 2001).
The Interim Science Council of The Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Consultant to assess the Challenge Program Pre-proposal "Agriculture, Poverty and Desertification" (Spain 2000-2001).
Joint IAEA-FAO Division. Consultant to Program and Development Activities in "Good Farming Practice" (Vienna, Bangkok and Nairobi 2002-2004)
Member of Mission of Agencia Española Cooperación Internacional to Mauritania "Gestion del riego para un sistema cultivado en el valle del rio Senegal" y "Diversificacíon de cultivos en el valle de rio Senegal" (Annual visits 2004-2005)
ACIAR. Leader of Project Review Team. "Increased productivity of rice-based cropping systems in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Australia" (April 2005)
Joint IAEA-FAO Division. Chairman of Consultants Meeting "The Role of Analytical Laboratories in the Application of Good Agricultural Practice in the Production of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Animals and Animal Products" (Vienna, July 2005)
IRRI. Member of "Strategic Planning Exercise" (August 2005).
European Commission. External reviewer of Integrated project " Improving quality and safety and reduction of cost in the European organic and low-input food chains" June 2006.
Joint IAEA-FAO Division. Chairman of Consultants Meeting "Integrated analytical approaches to assess the effectiveness of pesticide management practices" (Vienna, June 6-9, 2006).
ACIAR. Project Review "Permanent beds for irrigated RW and alternative cropping systems in north-west India and south-east Australia." September 2006.
World Bank. Review Editor for International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) of Chapter 2 for Easr and South Asia and Pacific (ESAP). June 2006 to June 2007.
Intermón Oxfam (2008). Review of a Project on Agro-ecological Development in Relation to Organizational Consolidation for Small-scale Farmers in Alto Paraná - Paraguay (October-December 2007).
Agencia Española de Cooperacíon Internacional (2007-). Consultant in modelling to the cooperative project undertaken in Mauritania "Valorisation de l´Irrigué pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire" (VISA).
ACIAR. Project Review "Better crop germplasm and management for improved production of wheat, barley and pulse and forage legumes in Iraq." April 2008.
SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment). Member of the International Assessment Panel. Biofuels: Environmental Consequences and Interactions with Changing Land Use. 22-25 September 2008, Gummersbach, Germany.
ACIAR. Project Review. "Development of emerging farmer crop-livestock systems in northern RSA", South Africa, October 2009.
IRTA (Catalunya). Review of Field Crops Program, March 2010.
China (Forest Institute, Beijing) Selection of the most productive cultivars with least climatic risks in China. Design of olive cultivar experiments Xichang, Hanyuan, Mianyang and Wudu. (with Dra. M. Gómez-del-Campo, UPM).
ACIAR Project Reviews, "Mineral response in Tibetan livestock" and "Integrated crop and dairy systems in Tibet Autonomous Region", in China. August 2011.
ACIAR & CSIRO Project Reviews, "Impact of modeling in Agricultural Research for Development; evaluation of projects in Indonesia, China, Zimbabwe and South Africa". June to February 2013.
Kazakhstan Ministry of Science and Technology, Project Evaluator, 2013-
GRDC (Grains Research and Development Corporation) Consultancy" Industry survey of crop modeling landscape and applications, July 2015
GRDC Consultancy "A future for crop modelling for the Australian grains industry", April 2016
ACIAR Leader of Project Review," Sustainable Livestock Grazing Systems on Chinese Temperate Grassland", August 2016.
ACIAR. Project Review (Leader). "Adapting conservation agriculture for rapid adoption by smallholder farmers in northern Africa". November 2016.
ACIAR, Leader of Ex-ante Assessment of the Project (SIMLESA 2010–2018) “Sustainable intensification of maize-legume cropping systems for food security in eastern and southern Africa”. March to October 2017.